Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sample, I. et al, 'The brain can't lie'

Brain scans can reveal how you think and feel, and even how you might behave. No wonder the CIA and big business are interested.(脳をスキャンすれば、人が考えてる事、感じてる事、そしてどう行動するだろうかまで丸見えになる。どうりでCIAや大企業が興味を示すわけだ。)
Ian Sample and David Adam
The Guardian. Nov. 20, 2003


The suggestion that brain scans could reveal not just our future health, but the intricacies of our personalities and how we might behave in a given situation, is unsettling enough to some scientists that they want legislation to stop brain-scan records falling into the wrong hands. "We're starting to get detailed information from these brain-scan experiments and soon people are going to be able to use it to predict an individual's behaviour," says Paul Glimcher at the Centre for Neuroscience at New York University. "That information has got to be proprietary to the individual."


Three years ago, scientists at University College London used fMRI to investigate the essence of love. They recruited people who confessed to being hopelessly in love with their partners and showed them a series of photographs of people they knew, one of which was their partner. Although brain activity was different in each individual, the researchers found that in every case, four specific regions of the brain lit up each time they saw the one they loved. The researchers announced that they had discovered the brain's common denominator of romantic love.


Zak says fMRI stands to make a big impact in what has been dubbed "neuro-marketing". As an example of how fMRI might be used, Zak proposes a company that wants to increase its sales of milk. One way it might is to gather a group of people who like milk and scan them as they drink a glass. Some of the regions of the brain that buzz with activity might be triggered by any drink, but others may be triggered only by milk. Find other stimuli that trigger these regions of the brain and it could help you work out what it is that makes milk enjoyable, says Zak. Suppose objects from your childhood made those regions of your brain flicker. It might be that milk was evoking a sense of nostalgia, reminding you of when you got milk at school.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Miyawaki, Y. et al."Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders"

Miyawaki, Y., Uchida, H., Yamashita, O., Sato, M. ., Morito, Y., Tanabe, H. C., Sadato, N., ... Kamitani, Y. (January 01, 2008). Visual Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity using a Combination of Multiscale Local Image Decoders. Neuron Cambridge Ma-, 60, 5, 915-929.

In the present study, we attempted to reconstruct visual images defined by binary contrast patterns consisting of 10 × 10 square patches (Figure 1). Given fMRI signals, we modeled a reconstruction image by a linear combination of local image bases  (Olshausen and Field, 1996).
We have shown that contrast-defined arbitrary visual images can be reconstructed from fMRI signals of the human visual cortex on a single trial basis. By combining the outputs of local decoders that predicted local contrasts of multiple scales, we were able to reconstruct a large variety of images (2100 possible images) using only several hundred random images to train the reconstruction model. Analyses revealed that both the multivoxel and the multiscale aspects of our method were essential to achieve the high accuracy. Our automatic method for identifying relevant neural signals uncovered information represented in correlated activity patterns, going beyond mere exploitation of known functional anatomy.
Although our primary purpose was to reconstruct visual images from brain activity, we also performed image identification analysis to quantify the accuracy (Figure 3). Analysis showed that nearly 100% correct identification was possible with a hundred image candidates and that >10% performance could be achieved even with image sets of 107.4–1010.8 using 6 block-averaged data, and with image sets of 105.8–108.5 using 2 single-volume data.
However, experiments have shown that neural and behavioral responses to a localized visual stimulus are affected by surrounding stimuli. Such phenomena known as contextual effects (Kapadia et al., 1995, Meng et al., 2005, Sasaki and Watanabe, 2004, Zipser et al., 1996) could compromise the linearity assumption. However, the random patterns rarely contain specific configurations inducing contextual effects enough to bias the training of the local decoders. Thus, the influences from contextual effects may be negligible, and predictions from local decoders are largely based on fMRI signals corresponding to the local state of the visual stimulus.

Oliveira, F.T. et al. "Transcranial magnetic stimulation of posterior parietal cortex affects decisions of hand choice"

Oliveira, F. T. P., Diedrichsen, J., Verstynen, T., Duque, J., & Ivry, R. B. (October 12, 2010). Transcranial magnetic stimulation of posterior parietal cortex affects decisions of hand choice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 41, 17751.

*Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): 狙った脳回路を短期間だけ不活性化させる磁気刺激装置

The current results shed light on the mechanisms involved in selecting which hand to use when making a unimanual reach.
Fig. 1.
Picture from PNAS
In experiment 2 we sought to directly test the hypothesis that the PPC[posterior parietal cortex] is involved in decision processes related to hand choice. By stimulating the caudal IPS, a PPC  region associated with reach planning,we sought to selectively disrupt the plan associated with the contralateral hand and thus increase the likelihood of an ipsilateral reach. We were able to induce this bias when stimulating the left PPC.

In summary, the current results provide strong evidence that decisions of hand choice involve a process that resolves a competition arising from the parallel engagement of action plans for both hands. Serial models in which hand choice is made at a higher cognitive level without activation of action plans for both hands might have predicted an increase in RT [reaching time] with TMS [transcranial magnetic stimulation] but cannot account for the shift in hand use. Rather, the results indicate that motor planning is initiated before response selection is made. Indeed, the emergence of decisions and actions can be viewed as a dynamic process in which many possible motor responses are competing at any one time, with the accumulation of evidence in favor of each candidate response continuously changing as a product of the interaction of a personal history and the current context.

Although it is likely that a broad network of cortical and subcortical areas are involved in different aspects of decision-making, the present results highlight the critical role that the PPC has in transforming sensory information into free choices of action.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Bartolucci, V. et al. "What Does Neuroethics Have to Say about the Problem of Dual Use? "

In Rappert, B., & In Selgelid, M. J. (2013). On the dual uses of science and ethics: Principles, practices, and prospects.

Chapter Title: What Does Neuroethics Have to Say about the Problem of Dual Use?
Chapter Author(s): Valentina Bartolucci and  Malcolm Dando

With regard to neuroimaging, there are numerous discussions of the possibility, and thus implications, of being able to detect when people are intentionally carrying out a deception. There has been wide discussion of the implications of being able to detect, through neuroimaging, people’s desire for certain products and the consequences of the growth of ‘neuromarketing’. Concerns have also been expressed about the dangers to privacy if such personal characteristics can be elucidated by neuroimaging.
Neuroethics addresses the various philosophical issues around the relationship between brain and mind as well as practical issues about the impact upon society of our ability to understand and manipulate the brain.
Furthermore, as pointed out by Jonathan Moreno, the 11 September 2001 attacks have resulted in increased efforts to exploit all technical possibilities for enhancing security. The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is supporting work at Lockheed Martin on remote brain prints and the scientist in charge already claims to be able to tell if a person is thinking of a certain number. In the words of Moreno, ‘a striking aspect of much of this and other national security work being done in the field of neuroscience is that it is “dual use”—potentially applicable to medical therapy or other peaceful purposes as well as combat, riot control, hostage situations, or other security problems'.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Ikegaya, Y. (2013). Tanjun na nō fukuzatsu na watashi: Matawa jibun o tsukaimawashinagara shinka shita nō o meguru yottsu no kōgi. Tōkyō: Kōdansha. 


 たとえば、君が何か思い出すとしようか。何でもいい。たとえば好きな映画のこととかね。すると、それを思い出して、意識にのぼるよりも前に、その映画に対応する海馬のニューロンが活動を始めているんだ。(Gelbard-Sagiv H. et al. Internally generated reactivation of single neurons in human hippocampus during free recall. Science. 2008)




 それは大脳皮質に光を感受するチャンネルをつくらせたらどうなるかという実験だ。(Huber D. et al. Sparse optical microstimulation in barrel cortex drives learned behaviour in freely moving mice. Nature. 2008) ニューロンそのものに光アンテナを発現させるんだよ。…その結果、[オペラント条件付けされた通りに]ちゃんとニューロンに光が届いているときだけ、右側に行ってエサを取ることができるようになった。(p.240)


 これを応用すると、嘘発見器ができ…私が知る限り最も成功しているのは、このマーク・ジョージらが率いる研究グループでしょうか。(George MS., et al. Detecting deception using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Biol Psychiatry, 2005)


 もうひとつ、おもしろい話をしましょう。(Coan JA., et al. Lending a Hand: social regulation of the neural response to threat. Psychol Sci. 2006)…"Lending a Hand"つまり「手を貸す」というタイトルがついています。…ここではボランティアの既婚女性に研究室に集まってもらって、脳の活動を調べています。



 現代科学ではともすると、そういった心の動きまで手に取るようにわかってしまう可能性すらあるわけです。(Miyawaki Y, et al. Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders.,etc)

 だから今、神経科学では、研究における倫理性をしっかり確立していこう、やっていいことと悪いことの基準を確立しようという方針があって、最近では「神経倫理学」という新しい学問も生まれています。(Illes J., et al. Neuroethics: a modern context for ethics in neuroscience. Trends Neurosci, 2006.,etc)


(Eisenberger NI. et al. Does rejection hurt? An FMRI study of social exclusion. Science. 2003)


(Singer, T. et al. Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others. Nature. 2006)


 TMS[Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation]という実験装置を使う。…頭皮の表面から強烈な磁場をかけて、脳の一部をマヒさせる刺激装置だ。これを使うと、ある特定の脳領域の活動を一時的に抑制することができる。たとえば言語野をマヒさせれば、その瞬間は言葉が出せなくなる。視覚をマヒさせると視野の一部が欠ける。

Picture from CRAM


…頭頂葉と後頭葉の境界にある角回[angular gyrus]という部位。この角回を刺激されるとゾワゾワゾワ~と感じる。(Arzy S., et al. Induction of an illusory shadow person. Nature. 2002)…自分のすぐ後ろに、背後霊のように誰かがベターっとくっついている感じがするようなの。うわーっ、だれかにつけられている。だれかに見られている……強烈な恐怖を感じるんだって。
…さらに仰天するような実験がある。(Blanke O., et al. Stimulating illusory own-body perception. Nature. 2002) …[右脳の角回を]刺激された人によれば「自分が2メートルくらい浮かび上がって、天井の下から、自分がベッドに寝ているのが部分的に見える」という。…幽体離脱だね。専門的には「体外離脱」と言う。

How to control someone else's arm with your brain | Greg Gage



Sunday, October 8, 2017


ikegaya, . (2013). Nō niwa myōna kuse ga aru. Tōkyō: Fusōsha.



(Sirigu, A. et al. Movement intention after parietal cortex stimulation in humans. 2009)


[脳を直接電気刺激する実験で]頭頂葉[parietal lobe]のある場所を刺激したところ、手や腕や唇など、身体の特定のパーツを動かしたくなりました。動かしたいという「意志」が電気刺激で生まれるわけです。 ただし実際には動かしてないことに注意してください。欲求のみが生まれるのです。つまり頭頂葉は「意志の宿る脳回路」です。

How to control someone else's arm with your brain | Greg Gage

カリフォルニア大学のアディン博士らが行った実験によれば、TMSという装置[*Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: 狙った脳回路を短期間だけ不活性化させる磁気刺激装置]を使って右側の「頭頂葉」の下部を麻痺させると、写真に映った[自分の]顔が自分なのか他人なのか区別できなくなってしまうようです。頭頂葉は時空認識に大切な脳部位とされています。この実験から「自分」という存在は、脳内の時空の中で創作されていることが想像されます。
(Uddin, LQ. et al, rTMS to the right inferior parietal lobule disrupts self-other discrimination. 2006)


Picture borrowed from Center For Brain

Sunday, October 1, 2017

北海道大学入試 "Government Spying on Its People"

北海道大学 平成29年度入試 英語 第4問


Excerpts from the entrance exam of Hokkaido University, 2017

Chris: ...I've heard that the police and intelligence services can now follow everything we do. They can read our email, look at our posts on social media, track us from our mobile phone signals, even check our bank accounts. I don't want people nosing into my affairs.
       Remember that whistleblower in America a couple of years ago? He said that the security services there track millions of personal messages on email and social media. I don't want the authorities to know about my private life! Look, there's probably someone watching us right now on that security camera over there.
       Somebody is watching us almost every second. There's no privacy and I can't relax anymore. OK, so they can catch serious criminals but I'm worried that they will be used for social control, like identifying people at political rallies or kids hanging around in parks having fun.  

       Governments everywhere are using the power of computers to control us. They are imposing new measures like individual identification numbers that can be linked to personal information -- bank accounts, health records, things like that -- so they can know exactly what we are up to, how much we spend, what we spend it on, how often we travel abroad and where we go, and so on. And at the same time the government makes new laws to keep its own information secret and tries to control media. It's very disturbing. Maybe one day we'll all have individual microchips inserted under our skin!
       If we don't stand up to this now we will lose our freedoms before we know it.


Sakamoto, M. (2017). Sakamoto maki sensei ga oshieru jinko chino ga hobohobo wakaru hon. Omusha.





最近では、「匂い」が体感できる映画館もあるようですね。将来は、家庭のパソコン、ゲーム機などからも匂いが体験できるかもしれません...!? (p.72)





シャンカール・ヴェダンタム 『隠れた脳』

Vedantam, S., & Watarai, K. (2011). Kakureta nō ("The Hidden Brain") : Konomi dōtoku shijō shūdan o ayatsuru muishiki no kagaku. Tōkyō: Intāshifuto.


 二〇一一年九月一一日の朝、ニューヨーク市警やニューヨーク消防局の制服を着たふつうの男女が、落ち着いてツインタワーの中へ乗り込んだ行動(そして命を危険にさらしたこと)も、小さなグループの集団心理で説明できる。 …そのような行動は愛国心の名で語られるが、人間は国王や神や国のためになど命をかけないと、戦闘司令官たちはよく知っている。たしかに兵士たちはそう“言う”かもしれないが、実際のところ、彼らが命を投げ出すのは、塹壕の中で隣にいる仲間たちのためだ。

