Sunday, October 22, 2017

Bartolucci, V. et al. "What Does Neuroethics Have to Say about the Problem of Dual Use? "

In Rappert, B., & In Selgelid, M. J. (2013). On the dual uses of science and ethics: Principles, practices, and prospects.

Chapter Title: What Does Neuroethics Have to Say about the Problem of Dual Use?
Chapter Author(s): Valentina Bartolucci and  Malcolm Dando

With regard to neuroimaging, there are numerous discussions of the possibility, and thus implications, of being able to detect when people are intentionally carrying out a deception. There has been wide discussion of the implications of being able to detect, through neuroimaging, people’s desire for certain products and the consequences of the growth of ‘neuromarketing’. Concerns have also been expressed about the dangers to privacy if such personal characteristics can be elucidated by neuroimaging.
Neuroethics addresses the various philosophical issues around the relationship between brain and mind as well as practical issues about the impact upon society of our ability to understand and manipulate the brain.
Furthermore, as pointed out by Jonathan Moreno, the 11 September 2001 attacks have resulted in increased efforts to exploit all technical possibilities for enhancing security. The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is supporting work at Lockheed Martin on remote brain prints and the scientist in charge already claims to be able to tell if a person is thinking of a certain number. In the words of Moreno, ‘a striking aspect of much of this and other national security work being done in the field of neuroscience is that it is “dual use”—potentially applicable to medical therapy or other peaceful purposes as well as combat, riot control, hostage situations, or other security problems'.

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