Thursday, January 19, 2012

Personality Disorders 人格障害


Antisocial personality disorder

A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others :

1.      failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;

2.      deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;

3.      impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;

4.      irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;

5.      reckless disregard for safety of self or others;

6.      consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;

7.      lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;











Narcissistic personality disorder

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy:

1.      Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

2.      Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

3.      Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

4.      Requires excessive admiration

5.      Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

6.      Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

7.      Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

8.      Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

9.      Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

1. 自己の重要性に関する誇大な感覚。
2. 限りない成功、権力、才気、美しさ、あるいは理想的な愛の空想にとらわれている。
3. 自分が"特別"であり、独特であり、他の特別なまたは地位の高い人たちにしか理解されない。または関係があるべきだ、と信じている。
4. 過剰な賞賛を求める。
5. 特権意識。つまり特別有利な取り計らい、または自分の期待に自動的に従うことを理由無く期待する。
6. 対人関係で相手を不当に利用する、つまり、自分自身の目的を達成するために他人を利用する。
7. 共感の欠如:他人の気持ちおよび欲求を認識しようとしない。またはそれに気づこうとしない。
8. しばしば他人に嫉妬する、または他人が自分に嫉妬していると思い込む。 
9. 尊大で傲慢な行動、または態度。



  1. 集団ストーカー犯罪に加担する者の典型的な人格として反社会性人格障及び自己愛性人格障害などの精神疾患の疑いが濃厚であることが複数の証言により指摘されている
    (例)…participants in organized stalking feel some sense
    of entitlement to their stalking pursuits. No matter what,
    they feel they are entitled to do whatever they want to do.
    This includes illegal home intrusions, breaking into vehicles,
    tapping phones, following targets everywhere they go,
    and basically almost anything they decide to do.
    To me, that suggests they feel no remorse for any of
    these deeds, and that sounds like a sociopath (68). “My Life Changed Forever.” Sullivan, Elizabeth

  2. "TI's#32" from 5:15, "Gangstalkers themselves are experimental subjects to see how to motivate people to engage in anti-social activities directed to the target."

  3. サイコパスから、「あんたは俺に“借り”がある」と
    (pp.198-207) 『良心をもたない人たち』 マーサ・スタウト




    日本人に集団ストーカー犯罪を行なっているシナ人が、これら被害妄想のような言い訳を犯罪の口実として、実際に口にするのを聞かされたことが何度かある。勿論これには、Divide & Conqureと呼ばれるCOINTELPROの基本手口も見て取れ、真の民主主義や人権擁護のために各国のアジア人が連帯するのを妨害しようとする勢力の存在があるのも明白である。

  4. 「正常な人」・・人間観が水平的。すべての人は平等に尊敬と尊重に値すると見る




  5. アメリカ人の自己愛性が、1987年から65%も上昇。

    The narcissism scores of college students have climbed steeply since 1987, with 65% percent of modern-day students scoring higher in narcissism than previous generations
    (Twenge, Konrath, Foster, Campbell, & Bushman, 2008).

  6. アメリカの心理学界で今トレンドのMindfulnessから派生したSelf-Compassionの提唱者Neff博士の論文から:


    まるでCOINTELPRO Perpsのこと言ってるみたいですね(笑

    "Not surprisingly, perhaps, people who are prejudiced often have a positive self-concept.The reason they feel so good about themselves is precisely because they believe their own group is superior to others (Crocker, at al, 1987; Fein & Spencer, 1997). Those with high self-esteem may sometimes get angry and aggressive towards others–specially if they aren’t given the respect they think they deserve (Baumeister,et al,1996)."

    --Neff,2011, "Self-Compassion,Self-Esteem, and Well-Being"

  7. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    DSM-5 Criteria - Revised June 2011

    A. Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by:
    1. Impairments in self functioning (a or b):
    a. Identity: Excessive reference to others for self-definition
    and self-esteem regulation; exaggerated self-appraisal
    may be inflated or deflated, or vacillate between extremes;
    emotional regulation mirrors fluctuations in self-esteem.
    b. Self-direction: Goal-setting is based on gaining approval
    from others; personal standards are unreasonably high in
    order to see oneself as exceptional, or too low based on a
    sense of entitlement; often unaware of own motivations.
    2. Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):
    a. Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the
    feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to
    reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self;
    over- or underestimate of own effect on others.
    b. Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to
    serve self-esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little
    genuine interest in others‟ experiences and predominance
    of a need for personal gain

  8. Narcissistic Personality Disorder cont'd

    B. Pathological personality traits in the following domain:
    1. Antagonism, characterized by:
    a. Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either overt or covert;
    self-centeredness; firmly holding to the belief that one is
    better than others; condescending toward others.
    b. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to attract and be
    the focus of the attention of others; admiration seeking.
    C. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual‟s
    personality trait expression are relatively stable across time and
    consistent across situations.
    D. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual‟s
    personality trait expression are not better understood as normative
    for the individual‟s developmental stage or socio-cultural
    E. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual‟s
    personality trait expression are not solely due to the direct
    physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse,
    medication) or a

  9. Antisocial Personality Disorder
    DSM-5 Criteria - Revised April 2012

    A. Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by:
    1. Impairments in self functioning (a or b):
    a.Identity: Ego-centrism; self-esteem derived from
    personal gain, power, or pleasure.
    b.Self-direction: Goal-setting based on personal
    gratification; absence of prosocial internal
    standards associated with failure to conform to
    lawful or culturally normative ethical behavior.
    2. Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):
    a.Empathy: Lack of concern for feelings, needs, or
    suffering of others; lack of remorse after hurting or
    mistreating another.
    b.Intimacy: Incapacity for mutually intimate
    relationships, as exploitation is a primary means of
    relating to others, including by deceit and coercion;
    use of dominance or intimidation to control others.

  10. B. Pathological personality traits in the following domains:
    1. Antagonism, characterized by:
    a.Manipulativeness: Frequent use of subterfuge to
    influence or control others; use of seduction,
    charm, glibness, or ingratiation to achieve one„s
    b.Deceitfulness: Dishonesty and fraudulence;
    misrepresentation of self; embellishment or
    fabrication when relating events.
    c. Callousness: Lack of concern for feelings or
    problems of others; lack of guilt or remorse about
    the negative or harmful effects of one„s actions on
    others; aggression; sadism.
    d. Hostility: Persistent or frequent angry feelings;
    anger or irritability in response to minor slights and
    insults; mean, nasty, or vengeful behavior.
    2. Disinhibition, characterized by:
    a. Irresponsibility: Disregard for – and failure to
    honor – financial and other obligations or
    commitments; lack of respect for – and lack of
    follow through on – agreements and promises.
    b. Impulsivity: Acting on the spur of the moment in
    response to immediate stimuli; acting on a
    momentary basis without a plan or consideration
    of outcomes; difficulty establishing and following
    c.Risk taking: Engagement in dangerous, risky, and
    potentially self-damaging activities, unnecessarily
    and without regard for consequences; boredom
    proneness and thoughtless initiation of activities to...
